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Interview with Colin McDonald - Working for the Game Industry

Colin McDonald has extensive experience working within the gaming industry, having previously worked with Rockstar Games on the original Grand Theft Auto titles and with Rage Software on Crackdown. Currently, he is the Director of Games Jobs Live focussing on recruitment and running Game Jams. Throughout the interview, Colin described the qualities required for working in the industry. He made frequent reference to needing to be passionate towards gaming in order to work in the games industry, as it is hard work in order to make it to a desirable position. Passion and determination will allow you to grow your portfolio, gain experience and ultimately find your desire position within the industry. Expanding your portfolio is highly important, as it demonstrates to employers what work you are capable of producing and also strengthen your CV - a strong CV allows you to take more opportunities within the industry and allows you to find your preferred position. Colin was asked about the difficulties of entering the gaming industry by starting your own company. He described this as very difficult, especially towards earning an income from selling games, as it is entirely dependant on how many sales your games makes. He recommends to instead work for other companies, starting with smaller companies as these frequently have lower requirements than larger ones. As he mentioned before however, the success of anything in the gaming industry is determined by your own passion - if you are passionate for a project it is likely to yield a better outcome.

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