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The concept of freelancing appeals greatly towards me, as the idea of being able to contribute to various projects whilst also maintaining to my own area of specialisation would allow me to grow my skillset and experience whilst making me more appealing for larger companies to hire me for larger gigs. Furthermore, an article published to LinkedIn by Leo SaLemi in 2018 detailed that by 2030, 85% of jobs that will exist do not currently exist in the present day according to projections provided by Dell Technologies. Choosing freelancing allows me to more freely adapt to potential upcoming fields of work with the Gaming Industry, such as fields within VR or next generation technologies. Provided I am aware of changes being made within the industry, Freelancing would allow me to demonstrate my knowledge of the field after performing adequate research on the topic. Freelancing does, however, come with the drawback of having competition. Much like having competition for a job offering, other freelancers' work and brand can make it harder to stand out amongst the crowd without good experience or appealing branding. Continuing to pursue a freelance career means I need to focus on gaining experience working as part of a team on projects to ensure I develop key graduate skills such as communication, teamwork, analysis and time management. 2018. 85% of Jobs that will exist in 2030 haven't been invented yet. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 3 March 2022].

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